My (Working Mom) Morning Routine
Everyone is obsessed with morning routines these days. I’ve listened to countless podcasts on morning routines in the past few months, and honestly I don’t know if a single one has resonated with me. Why? Because most of the morning routines I’ve heard have come from single or D.I.N.K. men. Which are just going to look so vastly different from my morning routine as a mom with two young kids.
So I thought I’d share my morning routine and shed some light on what it might look for someone who more closely relates with my season of life.
First let me say there is so much flexibility in my morning routine. With small children, a husband who travels for work, and the full life we all lead there just has to be grace for whatever pops up.
Which brings me to my second preface, I am not a 7-day-a-week-morning-routine-person. I get why some people are, but my soul needs an unstructured, lazy Saturday morning. And with our serving responsibilities at church on Sundays, those mornings can be our most chaotic of the week. A M-F routine has proven really valuable for me and seems to be serving the purpose of starting my work days off in the right direction. So without further ado, my working mom morning routine.
5:30 - wake up - Put on work out clothes, brush teeth, head down stairs
5:40 -6:15 - This is “my time” before anyone else in the house is awake. I do any number of these things during this time depending on what I feel like I’m needing
When the sun is up I go outside for some vitamin D, to reinforce that circadian rhythm and get my daily sunrise pic.
Mindfulness exercises
6:20 - I start getting breakfast ready for the kids and do some small house chores as I have more energy for this in the morning than the evening. Currently breakfast for me looks like water and hot tea because I’m experimenting with Intermittent fasting. Previously, breakfast for me was a green smoothie based on Kelly LeVeque’s Fab 4 formula: protein, fat, fiber greens. This served two purposes:
I never had to make a decision about what I’m having for breakfast.
These smoothies gave me all the energy and focus I needed to get my through my mornings to lunch without snacking or feeling hungry.
For the kids I have a loose breakfast rotation that I use throughout the week. Again, anything to combat decision fatigue.
6:30-7:30 - Kids start waking up around this time thanks to our programmable Hatch nightlights. Seriously, these devices are lifesavers! Hubs usually gets the toddler ready and the 5 year old loves dressing himself thankyouJesus. As much as possible I try to be connected and present with my kids during this time. Since they are both in all day school/ child care, it’s one of about 3-4 hours I get to spend with them on weekdays. It doesn’t always happen, but it’s the goal. We do all the things during this hour: eating, brushing, packing backpacks, tying shoes, etc. Then we’re out the door to school which is a 30ish minute round trip commute.
8:00 - Gym Time! - I do a 40 minute bootcamp style class at a local small gym 4-5x’s a week. I’ve done every exercise trend imaginable. Seriously. Imagine one. I’ve done it. And this has by far been my favorite because
It’s only 40 minutes
There’s a wonderful community vibe and you actually get to know they people you’re sweating with
8:45 - Home, shower, and get to work! I usually land at my desk sometime between 9:30 and 10 to start my work day.
So there you have it! Do you have a morning routine? Head over to the comments on this post on my Insta feed and join the conversation!